Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Headless chickens

I think I´ve spent too long in Montevideo. It´s probably the ugliest place I´ve been. And I´ve been to Luton. They just don´t seem to have any planning control which means that picturesque coves or historic monuments are overlooked by seventies pre-fab apartments: 26 storey versions of Boswells A Block. Which is pretty.

And there doesn´t seem to be a fat lot to do.

Nearly went for a swim yesterday. Normally I´m not too fussy about what I swim in, but there were just a few too many headless chickens on the beach for my liking. I´m such a pampered westerner. It was like the Rough Guide writers´ summer party had gone horribly wrong.

Still they have big steaks and big beers. It could be a bit of a culture shock when i find that most places don´t serve steaks by the kilo or beers by the litre.


Lately I´ve been puzzled by taps. Either I´ve forgotten how to use them, or the direction you have to turn them is a bit arbitrary down here.

1 comment:

Molipola said...

Maybe it was a Rough Guide writer's party stumbled upon by a similarly disenchanted reader, who acted as you may very well have done and retaliated on behalf of all frustrated travellers.