I was completely unprepared for how much I'd like Sydney. Who'd've thought, Mr Cynical being all sincere about somewhere as obviously obvious as Sydney. But I really like it. It's like Auckland (Harbour setting - check; Harbour Bridge - check; Sky Tower - check) only better. I like that they couldn't be bothered to think of their own names for things so they just used London names instead. I like that Parliament House looks like a mediocre Italian seaside resort.

I really like the harbour. I like how on the Manly ferry I got carried away as the skyline came into view and I took the same photo as everyone else. And then, on the way home at sunset i was still

excited about the view and took the same photo as everyone else again. I like that there are seclude beaches and bits of jungle in pretty much the city centre. It's like Paraty, but it's a proper city.
I really like the Opera House. I like how it looks spectacular from far away but if you get up close it looks a little bit Arndale.
I really like the Botanical Gardens. I like that there are trees and trees full of big, furry, winged apples and that no one seems to care. I like the birds. I like that

the two most common birds here are both bonkers: one looks like it was made my Nike in the late eighties; the other looks like a mutant stork that feeds on your happy thoughts.
And I like that I know a whole heap of people here. I like that when Stacey took me to a Thai restaurant she got served a sea sponge. I like that yesterday I met up with Lana and tried to drink like we were back on Jack. I like that I'm gonna be meeting Craig and Lauren tonight.
I really like Sydney.
For those people following from the start that's Country No. 10 across two continents. And that's been about five months so we're not even half way. Bring it on.
? - Dirty Thirty. I know you're still telling people you're 26 so I'm not gonna name names. Have a fab party this weekend and see you in Singapore, yeah?
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