Saturday, 18 July 2009

Wat a Carve Up!

The Angkor temples were everything that I'd hoped Machu Picchu was going to be. The biggy, Angkor Wat, was proper big, proper ornate and must have taken ages. Bayon, which I'd never heard of, was eerily full of patchwork faces staring down at you. Ta Prohm, or The One From Tombraider as it seems to be called nowadays, was battling nature like a bad boy. The whole complex is just blow-your-face-off great.

At one point we followed some music and ended up in a monk school where all the tiny monks (let's cll them monkies) were learning to tie robes. We also found that all the kids that sell you bangles and coconuts around the temples are phenonmenally good at capital cities. I'd recommend anyone travelling to Cambodia to learn the capital of Madagascar because it's a little bit embarassing being outfoxed by a 5 year old (incidentally, I'd also recommend not getting any Cambodian currency as no one uses it. Even cash machines'don't give it out).

So yeah, we're in Cambodia. And so far it's been amazing. The journey across from Thailand was pretty silly. We stayed in Arunya Prathet, on the Thai side of the border for a night. It was the most travellery I've felt in ages. Eating a street vendor curry with my fingers in a municipal square in the dark. Washing in a public fountain. Staying in a pound-a-night hotel. Pubcrawling the town without seeing anothber gringo. Travellertastic.

The border crossing would've been painless if it hadn't been for the money changing thing (it was made more interesting by the ultramodern casinos that had been built between the borders) and as the road to Siem Reap has been upgraded even that journey wasn't as bad as we were expecting.

When we got into town last night we went to Seeing Hands for a massage from blind Cambodians, which, thanks to Mr Fish, was only our second weirdest massage of the day.


Weirdest thig eaten: Fried frog.

1 comment:

Moonshadow Creative said...

You didn't eat frog??? Surely not - that's revolting. Go back to the sausages.