I'm on Easter Island which is about as remote as it's possible to get; over 1000 miles from the next living person. The island is properly tiny. I don't really understand how it became colonised.
I've seen a fair few Maoi - that's big stone heads if you don't speak Rapa Nui. They're kind of sterner than I expected them to be. And they have bodies - what's that about?
Spent yesterday mountain biking around the island to see all the more remote bits. I got very muddy and slightly perplexed as to why (Death Road aside) I'd never really been mountain biking before. Loved it. Got a little bit over-confident, apparently biking over a lava flow is quite difficult.
For the title of this entry I wanted to make some kind of Maoi pun (About a Maoi?), but I'm really not sure how to pronounce it. I've generally been pronouncing it slightly different everytime and still nobody has corrected me.
it's mo-eye, I'm fairly sure. Moai.
I am unspeakably jealous. Easter island is my dream destination... xx
well this suggests you might like the mtb bits of the proposed itineary...but im not sure about molten lava??? fi
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