Sunday, 10 May 2009


I'm in Santiago. Staying in the district of Bellavista, which is ironic because the view from here is fairly terrible. Just ugly, ugly skyscrapers. Eurgh. Turns out some bits of the city are okay though. The art gallery has a really good roof, for example.

We left the Galapagos (I got to swim with a shark on my last day. Hurrah.) then had a couple of days pottering around Quito and Otavala before Mum headed back Blighty-wards.

So I'm back on my own, again and it's all going swimmingly: ATM's aren't working and a drunk man's urine trickled into my dorm at 5.30 this morning. An auspicious restart to the whole solo travelling thing.


Mum: Feliz Dia Mamá or "happy othermothers' day" (does anyone know why us Brits don't have the same mothers' day as the rest of the world?) and thanks for spoiling me for the last while.

The few of you who understood the title: "Hello Brave Hikers." It's weird travelling without you guys - not least because I'm sober. Summer in Thailand - right? (Incidentally, the original Santiago could fly, Imagine how much better this Santiago would be... how those skyscrapers would rattle)

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