Tuesday 18 August 2009

I like Pai

Pai and I didn't get off to the best of starts. I'd heard it was a hippy town, but I took that to mean it was a bit quirky. However, on the bus on the way up here I was sitting next to a guy with long hair, a strong smell of solvents and (unforgivably) a bongo. Fortunately it seems that Off! works as effectively against hippies as it does against mosquitoes so I didn't get infected.

Went for a walk today. On the map the way to the waterfall looked like a casual meander. By the third river crossing I'd realised it was a full on jungle hike. Now I've never heard of anything bad happening to people who wander off into the jungle on their own - tigers are mythical, right?

Two hours of walking later I had wet feet and no waterfall, so I gave up. On the plus side, though, I did find gold. Or at least I found a whole lot of gold coloured metallic flakes, which is gold enough in my eyes. Unfortunately I don't have the first idea of how to extract gold (I knew I should've payed more attention in panning classes); if anyone does know what to do next I'll tell you where the gold is for a 60:40 split. Sounds good to me.

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