Sunday 30 August 2009

Putting the "BA" into "Don't Fly BA"

I'm on less of a downer about Kuala Lumpar nowadays. I found Merdeka Square which is all pleasant (and has a cricket strip in the middle of it - proud to be English, what?) and Little India (which has ridiculous volumes of people gorming round it like fleshy skittles). That's not to say I like the place - I still get annoyed by the local passtime of pushing in front of you then stopping (but I guess I just have to get used to that, in the same way that anyone who does that has to get used to me hitting them on the back of the head with a monkey wrench) - I've just found things that are way more annoying.

Like BA.

For a company that was market leader not all that long ago they are laughably bad. Not saying that the actual flying bit is noticeably terrible (it's just not as good as Qantas. Or LAN Chile. Or Air New Zealand. Or Virgin) but their customer services are appalling. Trying to change a BA flight later in the year meant I spent three days lost and dehydrated in their automated phone system wilderness, it was only by chance that Jim Morisson and a friendly Indian walked past, slung my parched carcass over the back of a donkey and hauled me to safety. In the end (eight phone calls. Eight. I was exaggerating about the Jim Morrison bit. But not this. Eight!) I phoned Qantas and got them to change my BA flight for me, because they are a proper company.

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